Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CNBC - MBA FaceOff - Day 2

As of day two, Team Tepper is still in the lead but the competition is closing.  If you have any ideas, let us know in the comments section.

Rank MBA Program, University Avg. Portfolio Value
1 (Tepper) Carnegie Mellon $1,019,557.08
2 (Fisher) Ohio State $1,016,504.04
3 (McCombs) Texas $1,010,953.41
4 (Johnson) Cornell $1007161.527
5 (Booth) Chicago $1,006,794.41
6 (McDonough) Georgetown $1,006,367.70
7 (Mendoza) Notre Dame $1,004,256.70
8 (Ross) Michigan $1,003,506.58

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