Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Brewmeister Branches Out

This Saturday (9/24) I attended a Mixology Class and well, color me impressed.  I was joined by my friends Neil and Joe for a well-spent Saturday afternoon.  I recommend everyone take a class, just choose your favorite liquor.  I'm also working on trying to get Steve to hold a special mixology class using beer as a cocktail ingredient.

Armed with a shaker, alcohol, and fresh ingredients, we learned about the history of the alcohols we were using and the drinks we were making while we made, and drank, several delicious concoctions. The drinks we mixed were a Brandy Smash, a Sidecar, and a Brandy Daisy, and all were excellent.  Afterwards, with the leftover ingredients, we were encouraged to create some new mixes and apply some of what we learned. 

The master mixologist at work
Joe with his brandy daisy
A fine looking drink
Neil and his sidecar

The Cocktail Chef, Steven Kowalczuk.  You can follow him on twitter @thecocktailchef 
For more information visit: 

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